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Early on, the Project Team considered four highway alternatives to repair the aging bridges. These included:

Alternative 1. No-Build Alternative, would keep the existing I-84 configuration. This alternative would need to replace many of the bridges.

Alternative 2, Elevated Highway Alternative, would replace existing I-84 with a new highway, elevated above ground level. The Project Team recommended the elimination of the Elevated Highway Alternative because it did not satisfy two of the project’s three primary needs: Traffic Operational and Safety Deficiencies and Mobility Deficiencies.

Alternative 3, Lowered Highway Alternative, would replace the existing I-84 with a new highway at a lower elevation—either at ground level or below ground level in a cut section. The Project Team would refine the highway and ramp options for the Lowered Highway Alternative. To view what the corridor could look like in Alternative 3, take the 3D interactive tour.

Alternative 4, Tunnel Alternative, would replace the existing I-84 by putting much of the highway in the study area into a tunnel section. After careful consideration, analysis, and feedback from stakeholders, the Project Team recommended eliminating the Tunnel Alternative because it was not economically feasible and had significant property and resource impacts.